• Livelihood and Economic Resilience: To improve their livelihood through offering tailor-made vocational training opportunities and enhancement of local opportunities for holistic development. It is proposed to work with women/girls/boys/men to economically empower them by building their competencies/capacities to participate constructively in development and policy processes through the provision of vocational training courses.  In addition to training, they will be provided assets provision so that they can utilize the learned skills to be economically empowered.
  • Women Political Participation (WPP):  To improve the political status of women, their involvement in local governance will be induced by mobilizing men to understand the importance of women’s political role. Girls/women will participate in the Local body’s elections and in a result will benefit their communities. Besides elections these women (both young boys and girls) are an active part of the political process through which they can better influence policies and plans and also negotiate for their resources. This will be done through the promotion of girls/women, boys/men participation through capacity building and skills trainings to be independent among targeted Districts.  The situation led VDO-Ghotki to realize the need to focus on the political-economic participation of poor boys/men especially of girls/women since without it, the empowerment process is not completed. Self-confident, committed women/girls along with boys/men will mutually decide in the social, economic, and political sphere for a quality change in their communities. Such a change among community members (who discriminate against women because of their sexually discriminate attitudes) will help introduce benefits of gender identities and equal roles of women and men. The program identified and engaged poor girls/women &  boys/men both women and youth them in set of activities including skill development, assets provision and raising awareness among people for women socio-political role at the village and local government level. The strategies have been proven successful since now they have been organized into Village Organizations (VOs) as Institutions, VDC, and DDN.  The PLRP helped enabled more than rural poor women, Men and youth, minorities, understand their collective strength of bargaining through organized group. They have established linkages with government line agencies and other resource providers, which have brought them several development schemes.  VDO-Ghotki believes that by deepening thee gains, consolidating those achievements and taking those to the next level can provide an opportunity for maturing these results.

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